Thursday, January 21, 2016

HOSP 420 Week 1 Assignment (Devry)

HOSP 420 Week 1 Assignment (Devry)
1. As a food service professional, how would you go ahead and determine evidence of a food borne illness outbreak. Should we identify potential hazards to food safety?
2. What are some associated costs with outbreaks? Where can we find out more information to prevent this from affecting our establishment?
3. Certain people may be affected stronger or be in high risk for acquiring a foodborne illness. Please identify all that falls in this categories and why are they are part of this list.
4. What does FAT tom stand for? What are some of the factors that allow food microorganisms grow?
5. What are the four types of pathogens that are a threat to our industry and are major causes of foodborne illness?

6. Toxins are a major part of the overall foodborne illness situation. What are some common ones that we should be aware of and why?

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