Tuesday, December 27, 2016

(TCO 2) ________ implies the use of models and data to improve an organization’s performance or competitive posture. – Homeworkmade

  1. (TCO 2) ________ implies the use of models and data to improve an organization’s performance or competitive posture.
  2. (TCO 2) Which of the following subsystems can support any of the other subsystems or act as an independent component and provide intelligence to augment the decision maker’s own?
  3. (TCO 7) A database is created, accessed, and updated by a(n) ________.
  4. (TCO 2) Which of the following is used mainly by middle management to assist in allocating and controlling the organization’s resources?
  5. (TCO 2) Most data mining applications include intelligent systems, such as artificial neural networks (ANN) and rule induction methods for expert systems (ES), to search for potentially profitable ________ in data.
  6. (TCO 2) Optimization, simulation, statistics systems, and ES currently run in ________. These developments simplify access to data, models, and knowledge, and simplify their integration.
  7. (TCO 2) Users of DSS communicate with, and command, the DSS through the ________ subsystem.
  8. (TCO 7) A data warehouse contains ________ about how data are organized and how to use them effectively.
  9. (TCO 7) The advantage of three-tier architecture for data warehousing is its separation of the functions of the data warehouse, which eliminates resource constraints and makes it possible to easily create data ________.
  10. (TCO 7) The ________ have inconsistent data definitions and different dimensions and measures, making it difficult to analyze data across those marts.
  11. (TCO 7) Which of the following is not a direct benefit of a data warehouse?
  12. (TCO 7) Guidelines that need to be considered when developing a vendor list include all of the following, except: 
  13. (TCO 8) Which of the following are created when operational data need to be analyzed multidimensionally?
  14. (TCO 8) Once data are entered into the warehouse, users cannot change or update the data. Obsolete data are discarded, and changes are recorded as new data. This ________ characteristic is one of the characteristics of data warehousing.
  15. (TCO 8) The main issues pertaining to ________ are the amount of data in the warehouse, how quickly the warehouse is expected to grow, the number of concurrent users, and the complexity of user queries.

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