Thursday, January 21, 2016

ECT 284 Week 2 Quiz

ECT 284 Week 2 Quiz

  1. (TCO 2) What is the function of the output module?
  2. (TCO 2) What is the function of the output module
  3. (TCO 2) Which statement is true for the relay logic diagram given below considering that the stop push button has been depressed momentarily?
  4. (TCO 2) Which statement is true for the relay logic diagram given below considering that the stop push button has been depressed momentarily?
  5. (TCO 2) Which statement is true for the relay logic diagram given below considering that the stop push button has been depressed momentarily?

ECT 284 Week 3 Homework

ECT 284 Week 3 Homework
Chapter 4 pages 89-91, Problems 2(b), 5

Chapter 5 pages 126-127, Problems 2, 4

ECT 284 Week 3 Lab 5

ECT 284 Week 3 Lab 5
Getting Started with LogixPro Simulation Software
Process Description:

The process starts by pressing a NO pushbutton and can be stopped at any time by pressing a NC pushbutton.  As soon as the process starts, a motor runs. While the motor is running a green light is on. When the motor is not running the green light goes off and a red light turns on. A toggle switch acts as a heat sensor. An open switch represents normal temperature. A closed switch represents overheating.  If the toggle switch opens, the motor should run again. 

ECT 284 Week 3 Quiz

ECT 284 Week 3 Quiz

  1. (TCO 3) The status of I1, I2, and I3 is given in each of the following ladder logic programs. Check all correct statements.
  2. (TCO 3) The status of I1, I2, and I3 is given in each of the following ladder logic programs. Check all correct statements.
  3. (TCO 3) Based on the following ladder logic program (Remember, these are PLC instructions.), check all correct answers
  4. (TCO 3) A ladder logic program and the associated physical input/output components are given below. Without depressing any push button and considering total darkness, which statement is true?
  5. (TCO 3) A ladder logic program and the associated physical components are given below. The motor is running. The push button is not depressed. Check all correct answers.
  6. (TCO 3) Which Boolean expression represents the given logic circuit? 

ECT 284 Week 4 Homework

ECT 284 Week 4 Homework

Chapter 7, pages 195 – 200, Problems 3, 6, 12

ECT 284 Week 4 Lab 7

ECT 284 Week 4 Lab 7
Hardwiring your PLC, Downloading a program, and Running a Process
1.    Take a digital photo of your circuit and attach to this worksheet.  
2. Print a copy of the ladder logic program and attach to this worksheet.

3.    Describe how the input/output status LEDs on the PLC or the monitoring feature of the software can be used in troubleshooting of the software.Once the program is loaded into the PLC, does the PLC have to be connected to the PC for the operation of the process? Explain
4.    If the power to the PLC is turned off and back on, will the process run again or will the program be lost? 

ECT 284 Week 4 Lab 8 Flashing Light

ECT 284 Week 4 Lab 8 Flashing Light

Once you have completed lab 8, Print-screen the ladder logic program you created and paste it below.  Then submit the worksheet to week 4 Dropbox.    

ECT 284 Week 4 Quiz

ECT 284 Week 4 Quiz
Question 1. 1. (TCO 4) An on-delay timer instruction has been programmed for a 20-seconds delay and a preset value of 200. What is the timer base value? (Points : 2) 
Question 2. 2. (TCO 4) With reference to the accumulated value shown for the on-delay timer in the ladder logic program below, which statement is true?
Question 3. 3. (TCO 4) With reference to the accumulated value shown for the up-counter in the ladder logic program below, how many times must the push button IN1 be pressed until the pilot light (PL) turns on?

Question 8. 8. (TCO 4) Which of the following statements are true? Check all that apply

ECT 284 Week 5 Homework

ECT 284 Week 5 Homework
Chapter 10, pages 298-300                 Problems 1, 4

Chapter 11, pages 318-320                 Problems 1, 8

ECT 284 Week 5 Lab 10 A Simple Control Process

ECT 284 Week 5 Lab 10 A Simple Control Process
A Simple Control Process
1. Take a digital photo of your circuit and attach to this worksheet.  
2. Print a copy of the ladder logic program and attach to this worksheet.

3.    Briefly describe the operation of each rung. 

ECT 284 Week 5 Quiz

ECT 284 Week 5 Quiz

  1. (TCO 5) What is the decimal value stored in the 16-bit register R0?
  2. (TCO 5) The content of register R0 and a ladder logic program are given below. Determine which statements are true. Check all that apply.
  3. (TCO 5) The content of register R0 and a ladder logic program are given below. Which of the following statements is true?
  4. (TCO 5) The content of register R0 and a ladder logic program are given below. Which of the following statements is true?

ECT 284 Week 6 Homework

ECT 284 Week 6 Homework

Chapter 14, p. 405: Problems 1, 2, and 7   

ECT 284 Week 6 Lab 11 Garage Door Simulation – Homeworkmade

ECT 284 Week 6 Lab 12 PLC Advanced Instructions – Homeworkmade

ECT 284 Week 6 Quiz

ECT 284 Week 6 Quiz
(TCO 6) A temperature sensor produces 10 mV for each degree Fahrenheit. Determine the temperature reading if 20 mV of noise is added to the sensor output signal when the actual temperature is 70 degrees

(TCO 6) A temperature sensor produces 10 mV for each degree Fahrenheit. Determine the temperature reading if 20 mV of noise is added to the sensor output signal when the actual temperature is 70 degrees

ECT 284 Week 7 Homework

ECT 284 Week 7 Homework

 Chapter 13, pp. 377-378: Problems 1, 5, and 8

ECT 284 Week 7 Quiz

ECT 284 Week 7 Quiz
(TCO 7) Technician A says a PLC enclosure should contain a power disconnect switch for physical isolation from the main power. Technician B says a programmed master control reset can also be used to achieve the same results. Who is correct?
(TCO 7) A solenoid fails to respond when forced on. Technician A says the ladder logic program could be causing the problem. Technician B says input hardware could be malfunctioning. Who is correct?

(TCO 7) Under no circumstances should

ENGL 230 Informative Presentation

ENGL 230 Informative Presentation

Target’s Great Depression!

ENGL 230 Persuasive Presentation – Homeworkmade

ENGL 230 Week 4 Homework

ENGL 230 Week 4 Homework
1. How do you think a small margin for error affects communication on a project?
2. In what ways do you act differently in face-to-face meeting than you do during a telephone conference call?
3. Why is written communication essential in some situations (such as conveying specifications), while oral communication is essential in others (such as technology interchange transfers)?

4. What listening hurdles do you find yourself facing as you listen to others? How do you handle it when you believe someone you’re speaking to is not hearing what you say?

ENGL 230 Week 4 Outline – Homeworkmade

ENGL 230 Week 7 Homework

ENGL 230 Week 7 Homework
1. How does Tootsie Roll Industries communicate its values to suppliers and employees?
2. What communication techniques demonstrate the company’s flexibility?
3. How do cross-functional teams benefit Tootsie Roll Industries?
4. Why are effective negotiating skills vital to TRI’s expansion?

5. Why does Tootsie Roll Industries discuss the benefits and problems entailed by the deal during acquisition negotiations?

FIN 561 Midterm

FIN 561 Midterm

  1. (TCO A) Compare and contrast a merger with a tender offer. (15 points for merger and 15 points for tender offer; total 30 points)
  2. (TCO B) List one benefit of trading halts for publicly listed companies as a way of managing information made available to the public, and list two disadvantages of trading halts. (10 points for each answer; total 30 points)
  3. TCO C) Fair value determination of goodwill and calculating the premium paid over market value in a merger:
  4. (TCO C) How does goodwill (under FASB 141 R) impact cash flows of the combined entity? (10 points) How do the 1993 tax law changes impact goodwill and the after tax cash flows of the combined entity after the M & A? (10 points)
  5. (TCO J) List any three of the reasons why the firm would continue to exist beyond the point where its products have become obsolete. (10 points for each reason; total 30 points)
  6. (TCO J) List any three of the reasons why the firm would continue to exist beyond the point where its products have become obsolete. (10 points for each reason; total 30 points)
  7. (TCO D) Why did M & A activity decrease in the late 1980s and early 1990s? (10 points) Why did M & A activity increase again in the latter part of the 1990s? (10 points)

HIST 405 Final Exam

HIST 405 Final Exam

  1. (TCO 4) What were encomiendas?
  2. (TCO 1) The Jamestown colony was established by
  3. (TCO 4) Why did colonists turn to slave labor rather than indentured servants in the late 1600s?
  4. (TCO 4) What happened in the colonies as a result of the Glorious Revolution in England?
  5. (TCO 2) To protest British taxes, colonists often organized boycotts to
  6. (TCO 2) According to the Loyalists, legitimate authority over the colonists was held by the
  7. (TCO 2) Which is an advantage the British had over the Patriots at the beginning of the war?
  8. (TCO 1) Congress called a convention to revise the Articles of Confederation because
  9. (TCO 1) Which of the following most closely preserved the government of the Articles of Confederation?
  10. (TCO 3) Who extolled the equality of conditions in his bookDemocracy in America?
  11. (TCO 3) The Waltham System
  12. (TCO3) The bloodiest slave uprising in U.S. History was
  13. (TCO 3) Who led the Texans in drawing Santa Anna into a trap at the Battle of Jacinto?
  14. (TCO 2) Congress tried to resolve the dispute between the North and the South about slavery in the territories by
  15. (TCO 2) Immediately prior to Bleeding Kansas, what kind of government had been established in the Kansas-Nebraska territory?
  16. (TCO 8) Lee’s smaller army defeated McClellan’s larger force and kept Union troops out of Richmond because
  17. (TCO 8) Which Civil War battle decisively turned the tide of the war in favor of the Union?
  18. (TCO 10) Many immigrants came to the U.S. to avoid
  19. (TCO 10) Which reformer led the effort to provide birth control for women?
  20. (TCO 7) What nation informed American authorities about the Zimmerman note?
  21. (TCO 7) During World War I, which of these did the Germans use against British ships?
  22. TCO 11) During the 1920s, the stock market
  23. (TCO 11) Which President was named Silent Cal?
  24. (TCO 11) Which economic factors led to the Great Depression?
  25. (TCO 7) Hitler justified Germany’s aggression by stating that
  26. (TCOs 1 and 2) Identify and describe the main provisions of the Constitution of 1787.  Make sure you analyze the compromises made at the convention to ensure the passage of the new federal constitution. Then discuss the formation of America’s first two political parties, the Democratic-Republicans and the Federalists. What were the major differences and who were the best-known members of each party? Make sure you use enough details to support your answer.
  27. (TCO 2) Identify and analyze the arguments over slavery in the New Western Territories after the Mexican War (1846–1848). How did northern and southern Democrats differ over this issue? Then describe the presidential election of 1848. Identify the key parties and candidates. Analyze how the results of this election set the stage for a reconfiguration of American politics that ultimately led to the Civil War. Be sure to use enough details to support your answer.
  28. (TCOs 6 and 7) Identify and explain at least two causes of World War II. Then analyze America’s foreign policy before the war, and describe how that policy changed as the war progressed. Be sure to include a discussion of how the Battle of Britain influenced American opinion. Make sure you use enough details to support your answer.
  29. TCOs 7 and 9) Identify and analyze the main events of the Korean War and Cuban Missile Crisis. Then assess how these events affected the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union. Make sure you use enough details to support your answer.

HIST 405 Week 2 Assignment Webliography 2 – Homeworkmade

HIST 405 Week 2 Quiz

HIST 405 Week 2 Quiz

  1. Which of the following made up the largest segment of Spain’s colonial population by the 1700s?
  2. Profits from tobacco had what effect on Virginia
  3. Puritan leaders found Anne Hutchinson especially dangerous because she:
  4. Why did English immigration to the colonies drop dramatically after 1660?
  5. The great awakening led to
  6. After Britain issued the Intolerable Acts, colonists punished anyone supporting British policies or officials by:
  7. After Britain issued the Intolerable Acts, colonists punished anyone supporting British policies or officials by:
  8. Which is an advantage the British had over the Patriots at the beginning of the war
  9. Congress called a convention to revise the Articles of Confederation because:
  10. The Three-Fifths Compromise benefited ______ states
  11. Identify and describe the main provisions of the Articles of Confederation. Then identify and discuss the main weaknesses of the Articles, and the so- called Western Problem. Make sure you use enough details to support your answer

HIST 405 Week 4 Essay Confederation and Constitution – Homeworkmade

HIST 405 Week 4 Quiz

HIST 405 Week 4 Quiz
Question 1.1. (TCO 3) What impact did the Bessemer process have? (Points : 2)
Question 2.2. (TCO 3) Mormons were persecuted because: (Points : 2)
Question 3.3. (TCO 1) Slavery expanded with the growth of: (Points : 2)
Question 4.4. (TCO 3) How did emigrants traveling west gain security? (Points : 2)
Question 5.5. (TCO 3) James Polk: (Points : 2)
Question 6.6. (TCO 2) The Fugitive Slave Act adopted in 1850: (Points : 2)
Question 7.7. (TCO 2) Immediately prior to “Bleeding Kansas,” what kind of government had been established in the Kansas-Nebraska territory? (Points : 2)
Question 8.8. (TCO 2) What law was found to be unconstitutional in the Dred Scott decision? (Points : 2)
Question 9.9. (TCO 8) Lee’s smaller army defeated McClellan’s larger force and kept Union troops out of Richmond because: (Points : 2)

Question 10.10. (TCO 8) Which of the following characterizes Sherman’s march across Georgia? (Points : 2)

HIST 405 Week 6 Quiz

HIST 405 Week 6 Quiz
A new immigrant was most likely to be from
The primary reason that immigrants moved to cities was to:
One justification for the new social and economic order of the North was based on:
How did the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire affect industrial reforms?
What were some of the most serious problems faced by U.S. volunteer soldiers during the Spanish-American War?
What nation informed American authorities about the Zimmermann note?
This trial became a symbol of the conflict within Protestantism between modernists and fundamentalists.
What brought the Harding Administration to an end?
Which economic factors led to the Great Depression? 1.         Identify and explain at least two major reasons for the growing call in the late 1800s for the United States to become a global empire. Then identify and describe one of the first events that signaled the beginning of American imperialism. 
Some neighborhoods and even industries came to be associated with immigrants of a particular nationality because immigrants:
Progressivism and Populism largely differed in their:
Progressivism and Populism largely differed in their:
The invasion of Belgium turned American opinion against Germany because:
The invasion of Belgium turned American opinion against Germany because:
The popularity of the automobile in the 1920s led to a(n):
Which President was named “Silent Cal?”

The Great Depression affected:

HIST 405 Week 7 Essay

HIST 405 Week 7 Essay

America and the Great War

HIT 111 Quiz 3 (Devry)

HIT 111 Quiz 3 (Devry)
(TCO 4) Match the following medical terms with the correct meaning.
(TCO 4) Match the following terms with the correct combining form.
(TCO 4) Which term means the condition of an excessive amount of blood cells?
(TCO 4) Which term means elevated plasma concentrations of cholesterol, triglycerides, and lipoproteins?
(TCO 4)  Which term describes the surgical removal of part of an artery?
(TCO 4) Severe episodes of chest pain due to ischemia are known as ______.
(TCO 4) Which of these is the medical term for a heart attack?
(TCO 4) An inflammation of the voicebox is called ______.
(TCO 4) Which term means a carcinoma derived from glandular tissue?
(TCO 4) Coughing or spitting up blood is called ___.
(TCO 4) Which term means rapid breathing?

(TCO 4) A malignant tumor arising from cartilagenous tissue would be called:

HIT 111 Quiz 7 (Devry)

HIT 111 Quiz 7 (Devry)
(TCO 9) Matching the medical terms with correct meanings.
(TCO 10) Matching the medical terms with correct meanings.
(TCO 9) Which term means light or infrequent menstrual flow?
(TCO 9) COLP/O means ____.
(TCO 9) Which term means the expansion of an opening?
(TCO 9)The medical term for an undescended testicle is:
(TCO 9) HYSTER/O  means ____.
(TCO 10) Which surgical position means the patient is lying flat on his back?
(TCO 10) The term for listening through a stethoscope is:
(TCO 10) That medical term that means “immediately” is:
(TCO 10) Which test is used to diagnose conditions associated with abnormal clotting times and to monitor anticoagulant therapy?

(TCO 10) The name of a _____ drug is always spelled with a capital letter.

HOSP 320 Week 1 Assignment (Devry)

HOSP 320 Week 1 Assignment (Devry)
A. There are three factors that influence lodging demand. What are they and discuss in detail how they affect the demand?
B.  At what time in history did the modern hotel industry emerge? What were the three contributing factors and how did they impact the industry today?

Question #2
A. Define and describe the difference between work teams and quality circles and how they each might impact the motivation of employees.
B. Compare centralization and decentralization and give examples of types of hotels that might employ each.

C. List the principal functions of each major department, as well as key personnel, in a full service hotel.

HOSP 320 Week 2 Assignment (Devry)

HOSP 320 Week 2 Assignment (Devry)
1. Chapter 3:
1.Name the functions of the front office department along with job titles and specific responsibilities of each.
Chapter 3.
2. How are housekeeping and front desk dependent upon each other for customer satisfaction and what types of communication are used to ensure that this occurs?
2. Chapter 4
1.Name the functions of the housekeeping department along with job titles and specific responsibilities of each.
1.The Housekeeping department in the Hotel Industry is a very important department as it deals with the cleanliness and other related activities that create a mark in the overall experience of the visitor/ guest. As accommodation is the largest part in the hotel as regard to its total revenue the responsibility and importance of the department becomes more. The department’s major task is to keep rooms tidy and proving all other necessary things to ensure the comfort of guest during his stay. The housekeeping staff includes the executive housekeeper, assistant housekeeper(s), inspector, house staff,laundry staff, room attendants, runners, and linen room supervisor and attendants.
2. Outline the ten areas that a guest room attendant needs to cover to properly clean each guestroom.
3. List and discuss 5 ways that might be used to control loss of linens.


HOSP 320 Week 3 Assignment (Devry)

HOSP 320 Week 3 Assignment (Devry)
Chapter 5.
1. Describe and discuss the importance of the duties of the Director of Sales in a full service hotel.
2.Discuss why a one-stop contact is important for an association executive.
3. Discuss what is entailed in the job of a convention manager.
4. Discuss why communication is important between the sales department and other department and what type of communication occur.

Chapter 6.
1. Describe some actions or activities that might be classified as sexual harassment. What are the essential elements of a sexual harassment allegation?

2. List and discuss four state or federal laws that impact human resources in hotels today.

HOSP 320 Week 4 Assignment (Devry)

HOSP 320 Week 4 Assignment (Devry)
Chapter 7:
1 Identify and discuss in detail three challenges and three opportunities from each of the five areas of the food and beverage departments. (hint: the easiest format is in a chart)
Hotel restaurants:
Hotels bar and beverage:
Hotel Food Production:
The executive chef:
Beverage Management:

The director of food and beverage:

HOSP 320 Week 5 Assignment (Devry)

HOSP 320 Week 5 Assignment (Devry)
Chapter 8.
1. Define and discuss the role of the director of security in maintaining hotel security.
2.A guest has just slipped on wet tile in the lobby, and fallen and hit her head, surrounded by other patrons. She appears to be just shaken up, but she is bleeding slightly from a cut on her forehead. Describe in detail the steps you would take to handle this situation.

Chapter 9.
1. Describe in detail the short, intermediate and long term demands on a general manager’s time.

2. Discuss the differences in the time demands of a general manager between a full service large hotel and a small limited-service hotel.

HOSP 320 Week 6 Assignment (Devry)

HOSP 320 Week 6 Assignment (Devry)
Chapter 10.
1. How are RevPar, ADR and Occupancy are calculated and describe in detail what each tells the general manager about the success of the sales and front office department in effectively managing inventory?
2. What are allocation controls? What are availability controls? What are the benefits and disadvantages of each?

Chapter 11.
1. Describe and discuss the difference in a management company and a franchise company. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Hotel Management Company

Hotel Management Company & Franchise

HOSP 320 Week 7 Assignment (Devry)

HOSP 320 Week 7 Assignment (Devry)
Chapter 12:
1.Discuss the key demographics of potential buyers of timeshares as well as in detail what elements of timeshares would entice them to buy timeshare weeks over vacationing on their own in traditional lodging facilities.
2. How is management of a timeshare different from management of traditional hotels? Be specific regarding operating procedures and guest characteristics.

Chapter 13:

1. Compare and contrast in detail the lodging and facility characteristics of activity-based facilities vs. themed facilities. What geographic areas are most conducive to each?

HOSP 320 Week 8 Final Project (Devry)

HOSP 320 Week 8 Final Project (Devry)

Overview of the hotel Live & Love and its mission……………………………………………4
Accommodations and Amenities…………………………………………….………..5
Room and Food Service……………………………………………………………….5
Security Features………………………………………………………………………6
Operational Segment…………………………………………………………………..6
Management Organization…………………………………………………………….7
Competitive Environment………………………………………………………..……8
Pricing Strategies and Marketing Plan……………..……………………..…………..8
Planning Profit Strategy…………………………………….………………………..10

Work Cited……………………………………………………………………………………………………13 

HOSP 410 Final Course Project (Devry)

HOSP 410 Final Course Project (Devry)


Concept Development…………………………………………………………………4
Site Selection…………………………………………………………………………..5
Menu Development……………………………………………………………………6
Financial Analysis: Start Up Cost……………………………………………………..7
Licenses and Approvals……………………………………………………………….8
Design, Furnishings, and Equipment…………………………………………………10
Market and Competition Analysis……………………………………………………13
Work Cited……………………………………………………………………..…….18


Figure 1: The kitchen flow……………………………………………………………11

Table 1: Comparison benefit matrix………………………………………………….15

HOSP 410 Week 1 Assignment (Devry)

HOSP 410 Week 1 Assignment (Devry)
Chapter1 : Questions 1,4,5
1. Give three reasons why someone would want to own and operate a restaurant.
4. How important do you think it is to have restaurant experience before entering the business as an owner/operator?
5. Give three reasons people patronize restaurants.

Chapter 2: Questions 1,5,6.
1. Briefly describe the kinds and characteristics of restaurants.
5. What are the highlights of Mexican restaurant menus?

6. Name elements that make for “fine dining”

HOSP 410 Week 2 Assignment (Devry)

HOSP 410 Week 2 Assignment (Devry)
Chapter 3 – Review Questions 5, 8, 11 (p. 109)
5.What is the relationship between your logo and your restaurant concept?
8. List five factors that together help formulate a restaurant concept.
11. Can a particular site be wrong for one restaurant, right for another? Explain.

Chapter 4 – Review Questions 1, 4, 7 (p. 144)
1. How would you prioritize the considerations in menu planning for your restaurant?
4.Discuss how the equipment and menu must harmonize to create a smooth operation.

7. How seriously should restaurant operators become involved with the nutritional content of foods the chefs serve?

HOSP 410 Week 3 Assignment (Devry)

HOSP 410 Week 3 Assignment (Devry)
Chapter 16.
1. In drawing up a sales budget for a casual Italian restaurant, what percentage of weekly sales should be forecasted for Friday and Saturday evenings?
4. Aside from its value in planning, why is it essential to do a budget forecast of sales, costs, and profit?
8. The procedure in seeking a loan from the Small Business Administration is fairly elaborate. What is the usual sequence for this process?

Chapter 17.
2.What are some dangers of operating a restaurant as a partnership?
3. If you wanted to operate your restaurant as a corporation but be taxed as an individual, how could you arrange this?

9. As a limited partner in a restaurant, what part do you have in making management and financial decisions?

HOSP 410 Week 4 Assignment (Devry)

HOSP 410 Week 4 Assignment (Devry)
1. An overview of the F&B trend, and why you think it is relevant to your concept.
2.Advantages and disadvantages associated with the trend.
3. How do you think this trend will positively affect the financial growth of your concept?

4. Step-by-step implementation of the trend you are adopting based on the article

HOSP 410 Week 5 Assignment (Devry)

HOSP 410 Week 5 Assignment (Devry)
Chapter 10 – Internet Exercise (p. 312)
1. What types of equal opportunity training and outreach programs are currently available?
2. What current topics are discussed under the “Statistics” link? 
3. What are the current statistics under the “Sexual Harassment” link?
4. Go to the “Filing A Charge” link. What information needs to be provided in order to file a charge?

Chapter 11 – Internet Exercise (p. 347)
Example #1:
Example #2:
Dining Room Manager- Food of the Gods Café

New York, NY

HOSP 420 Midterm (Devry)

HOSP 420 Midterm (Devry)
(TCO 5) Which of the following is not considered a potentially hazardous food?
(TCO 2) Where does mold typically grow?
(TCO 2) In order for viruses to survive and reproduce, which one of the following conditions is necessary?
(TCO 2) In which of the following types of food are bacteria most likely to grow?
(TCO 1) Which food is most likely to cause a foodborne infection?
(TCO 4) Which parasite below is found typically in fish/marine mammals?
(TCO 9) How many times should you check the temperature of meat?
(TCO 6) Keeping track of food temperatures while cooking is an example of which HACCP principle?
(TCO 5) Which of the following is the correct way to serve uncooked food?
(TCO 4) When getting ice from the ice machine, always use _____ to prevent cross-contamination.

(TCO 1) Discuss the possible risks that can be associated with high-risk populations. What is the key factor that they all share?
(TCO 2) Identify and briefly explain the eight most common allergens, associated symptoms, and methods of prevention.
(TCO 3) Discuss proper hand washing procedures for food service employees.
(TCO 3) Describe the components of a good personal hygiene program that should be properly placed in a food service establishment.
(TCO 5) To measure proper temperatures in the kitchen, we need to ensure that food service managers calibrate thermometers properly. Explain the process of using the ice-point methods for calibrating a thermometer.
(TCO 4) If your food service operation purchases crustaceans, what acceptable criteria must they have before you accept the shipment at the receiving stage?
(TCO 7) Poultry is perhaps the most susceptible animal protein to foodborne illness. What are some criteria that you should follow in order to reject questionable poultry?
(TCO 4) Please describe what FIFO stands for and why it is important to practice and train your staff on this system.
(TCO 5) Identify several methods for preventing contamination and time temperature abuse of prepared food in vending machines.
(TCO 5) There are several ways for cooking potentially hazardous foods. Identify and explain the proper procedure for cooking potentially hazardous food in a microwave.

(TCO 10) Critically examine food safety management systems. Why is it important to implement a food safety management system? What prerequisites do we need to keep in mind? Differentiate between the various components of a food safety management system. Analyze the key components of a food safety management system. How will you implement a food safety management system via HACCP? What is the main benefit and feature of a food safety management system?

HOSP 420 Week 1 Assignment (Devry)

HOSP 420 Week 1 Assignment (Devry)
1. As a food service professional, how would you go ahead and determine evidence of a food borne illness outbreak. Should we identify potential hazards to food safety?
2. What are some associated costs with outbreaks? Where can we find out more information to prevent this from affecting our establishment?
3. Certain people may be affected stronger or be in high risk for acquiring a foodborne illness. Please identify all that falls in this categories and why are they are part of this list.
4. What does FAT tom stand for? What are some of the factors that allow food microorganisms grow?
5. What are the four types of pathogens that are a threat to our industry and are major causes of foodborne illness?

6. Toxins are a major part of the overall foodborne illness situation. What are some common ones that we should be aware of and why?

HOSP 420 Week 3 Assignment (Devry)

HOSP 420 Week 3 Assignment (Devry)
1. When we receive and inspect items, specifically high-protein foods such as eggs, poultry, dairy products, seafood, and meats, there should be certain best practices that should be in place. Please identify these best practices and how you would train your staff in ensuring that they remain consistent in these. Also, what are some common characteristics to be on the lookout for when rejecting shipments not suitable for our food service establishments?
2. Identify the different types of storage found in a food service establishment. What are some examples of each and what type of food items would you store in each? In addition, what are the proper temperatures that are needed in each in order to be in line with standard storage guidelines?
3. What does FIFO stand for and why is it important to practice this in our food service establishments?

4. We had previously discussed temperature danger zones, and still there are certain detrimental temperature within that range that can allow harmful microorganisms to grow in certain food items. What is that temperature zone range and how does this relate to time and temperature control?

HOSP 420 Week 4 Assignment (Devry)

HOSP 420 Week 4 Assignment (Devry)
1. What does HACCP stand for, and why is this implemented as a plan in food service establishments?
2. What would be five prerequisites for food safety training programs? How would you implement and assess this training?
3. What are some concepts that we can apply in the food service area to ensure that we, as employees, do not contaminate foods? Describe some preventative measures for customers to reduce the risk of food contamination (i.e., a buffet).

4. What would be some internal cooking temperatures that we should use for foods, such as beef, pork, poultry, seafood, and produce?

HOSP 420 Week 5 Assignment (Devry)

HOSP 420 Week 5 Assignment (Devry)
1. What does OSHA stand for, and why do they ensure that MSDS sheets are provided and readily available in food service establishments?
2. What is the difference between cleaning and sanitizing? Please provide two different examples that assist in identifying the differences.
3. What are some main characteristics of a well designed kitchen area, in regards to work flow?

4. What is a PCO, what services do they provide, and why do we need to ensure that they are licensed? What is an example of one in your local area?

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

ACG 2021 Week 1 Individual Work 1

ACG 2021 Week 1 Individual Work 1

Problem 1-5 Income Statement, Statement of Retained Earnings, and Balance Sheet

ACG 2021 Week 1 Individual Work 2 (Everest)

ACG 2021 Week 1 Individual Work 2 (Everest)
Exercise 1-12 Accounting Principles and Assumptions

Exercise 1-13 Organizations and Accounting

ACG 2021 Week 10 Individual Work 1 (Everest)

ACG 2021 Week 10 Individual Work 1 (Everest)

Problem 10-8A Financial Statement Impact of a Bond

ACG 2021 Week 2 Individual Work (Everest)

ACG 2021 Week 2 Individual Work (Everest)

Problem 2-3A, on page 97, “Classified Balance Sheet”
Problem 2-7A, on page 98-99, “Multiple Step Income Statement and Profit margin”

ACG 2021 Week 3 Individual Work 1 (Everest)

ACG 2021 Week 3 Individual Work 1 (Everest)

Exercise 3-6, “Normal Account Balances,” on page 133
Exercise 3-14, “Journal Entries,” on page 135
Problem 3-2, “Transaction Analysis and Financial Statements,” on page 137

ACG 2021 Week 5 Individual Work 1 (Everest)

ACG 2021 Week 5 Individual Work 1 (Everest)
Carpenters Department Store Inc.
Income Statement

Sales revenue:                         $125,600

ACG 2021 Week 6 Individual Work 1 (Everest)

ACG 2021 Week 6 Individual Work 1 (Everest)

Problem 6-1 Bank Reconciliation

ACG 2021 Week 7 Individual Work 1 (Everest)

ACG 2021 Week 7 Individual Work 1 (Everest)

Problem 7-1 Allowance Method for Accounting for Bad Debts

ACG 2021 Week 9 Team Work (Everest)

ACG 2021 Week 9 Team Work (Everest)

Problem 9-11A Time Value of Money Concept

ACG2178 Week 1 Individual Work (Everest)

ACG2178 Week 1 Individual Work (Everest)
1-1)                  FASB Statement of Financial Accounting Concepts No. 2 indicates several qualitative characteristics of useful accounting information. Following is a list of some of these qualities, as well as a list of statements and phrases describing the qualities.
1-2)                  Certain underlying considerations have had an important impact on the development of generally accepted accounting principles. Following is a list of these underlying considerations, as well as a list of statements describing them.
1-3)                  a. Which of the following is a characteristic of information provided by external financial reports?
1-4)                   a. Which of the following does the Financial Accounting Standards Board not issue?

1-5) The following data relates to Jones Company for the year ended December 31, 2011:

ACG2178 Week 10 Individual Work (Everest)

ACG2178 Week 10 Individual Work (Everest)


ACG2178 Week 11 Individual Work (Everest)

ACG2178 Week 11 Individual Work (Everest)


ACG2178 Week 12 Team Work (Everest) – Homeworkmade

ACG2178 Week 2 Individual Work (Everest)

ACG2178 Week 2 Individual Work (Everest)
2-1)     Mike Szabo Comapany engaged in the following transactions during the month of December:
2-8)     The following are selected accounts of Laura Gibson Company on December 31:

2-10)   A company prepares financial statements in order to summarize financial information. Below are a list of financial statements and a list of descriptions.

ACG2178 Week 3 Individual Work (Everest)

ACG2178 Week 3 Individual Work (Everest)
3 – 1) The following information was obtained from the accounts of Airlines International dated December 31, 2012. It is presented in alphabetical order. 
3 – 7) You have just started as a staff auditor for a small CPA firm. During the course of the audit, you discover the following items related to a single client firm:

3 – 10) Rosewell Company has had 5,000 shares of 9%, $100 par-value preferred stock and 10,000 shares of $10 par-value common stock outstanding for the last two years. During the most recent year, dividend paid totaled $65,000; in the prior year dividends paid totaled $40,000. 

ACG2178 Week 4 Individual Work (Everest)

ACG2178 Week 4 Individual Work (Everest)
4 – 3) The accounts of Consolidated Can contain the following amounts at December 31, 2012:
4 – 9) List the statement on which each of the following items may appear. Choose from ( A) income statement, ( B) balance sheet, or ( C) neither.

4-14) Each of the following statements represents a decision made by the accountant of Growth Industries: 

ACG2178 Week 5 Individual Work (Everest)

ACG2178 Week 5 Individual Work (Everest)
5-3) The Kelly Services, Inc., and Subsidiaries balance sheets from its 2010 annual report are presented in Exhibit 5-4.

Rapid Retail Comparative Statements of Income

5-8) Answer the following multiple-choice questions:

ACG2178 Week 6 Individual Work (Everest)

ACG2178 Week 6 Individual Work (Everest)
6-11) A partial balance sheet and income statement for King Corporation follow:
6-12) Individual transactions often have a significant impact on ratios. This problem will consider the direction of such an impact.

6-15) The following financial data were taken from the annual financial statements of Smith Corporation:

ACG2178 Week 7 Individual Work (Everest)

ACG2178 Week 7 Individual Work (Everest)
7-5) Individual transactions often have a significant impact on ratios. This problem will consider the direction of such an impact.
7-9) Allen Company and Barker Company are competitors in the same industry. Selected financial data for their 2011 statements follow.

7-10) Consecutive five-year balance sheets and income statements of Laura Gibson Corporation are shown below and on the following page.

ACG2178 Week 8 Individual Work (Everest)

ACG2178 Week 8 Individual Work (Everest)
8-5) Day Ko Incorporated presented the following comparative income statements for 2011 and 2010:
8-11) Transactions affect various financial statement amounts:

8-12) Consecutive five-year balance sheets and income statements of Mary Lou Szabo Corporation are as follows:

ACG 3351 Week 1 Individual Work (Everest)

ACG 3351 Week 1 Individual Work (Everest)
Individual Work 

Exercise 10-20 (page 410) Account analysis method, high-low method 

ACG 3351 Week 10 Quiz (Everest)

ACG 3351 Week 10 Quiz (Everest)
1. Nonfinancial measures of quality are often easy to quantify and easy to understand. (Points : 5)
2. Retailers generally have a high percentage of net income to revenues. (Points : 5)
3. Quality of design measures how closely the characteristics of products or services meet the needs and wants of customers. (Points : 5)
4. Shortening delivery time is a minor part of the quality improvement process. (Points : 5)
5. A “push-through” system, often described as a just-in-time system, emphasizes simplicity and close coordination among work centers. (Points : 5)
6. ISO 9000, developed by the International Organization for Standardization, is a set of five international standards for quality management which has been adopted by more than 85 countries. (Points : 5)
7. Just-in-time purchasing requires organizations to place smaller purchase orders with their suppliers. (Points : 5)
8. A “demand-pull” system, often described as a materials requirement planning system, focuses first on the forecasted amount and timing of finished goods, and then determines the demand for material components and subassemblies at each of the prior stages of production. (Points : 5)
9. Inventory management is the planning, organizing and controlling of activities that focus on the flow of materials into, though and from the organization. (Points : 5)

10. In the banking industry, depositing a customer’s check into the right bank account is an example of quality of design failure. (Points : 5)

ACG 3351 Week 12 Quiz (Everest)

ACG 3351 Week 12 Quiz (Everest)
1. Capital budgeting focuses on projects over their entire lives in order to consider all the cash flows or cash savings from investing in a single project. (Points : 5)
2. The identification stage of capital budgeting explores alternative capital investments that will achieve the objectives of the organization. (Points : 5)
3. Internal rate of return is a method of calculating the expected net monetary gain or loss from a project by discounting all expected future cash inflows and outflows to the present point in time. (Points : 5)
4. The selection stage of the capital budgeting process consists of choosing projects for possible implementation. (Points : 5)
5. Discounted cash flow methods measure all the expected future cash inflows and outflows of a project as if they occurred at equal intervals over the life of the project. (Points : 5)
6. Discounted cash flow methods focus on operating income. (Points : 5)
7. Deducting depreciation from operating cash flows would result in counting the initial investment twice in the discounted cash flow analysis. (Points : 5)
8. The payback method is only useful when the expected cash flows in the later years of the project are highly uncertain. (Points : 5)
9. Relevant cash flows are expected future cash flows that differ among the alternative uses of investment funds. (Points : 5)

10. A manager who uses discounted cash flow methods to make capital budgeting decisions does not face goal-congruence issues if the accrual accounting rate of return is used for performance evaluation. (Points : 5)

ACG 3351 Week 2 Individual Work (Everest)

ACG 3351 Week 2 Individual Work (Everest)
  • Exercise 12-19 (page 507) Strategic analysis of operating income

  • Exercise 12-22 (page 507-508) Strategy, balanced scorecard
  • Problem 12-34 (page 510) Balanced scorecard                                      Operating Income Statement